Why should your e-commerce participate in commercial dynamics?

Why should your e-commerce participate in commercial dynamics?

Before diving into this topic, it's important to review some of the projections for e-commerce in LATAM. According to Statista, by 2025, retail sales will reach US$105.5 billion, which would represent the highest value in recent years. In addition, economies such as Argentina, Chile, and Peru are expected to have more agile and accelerated growth.

Since the pandemic forced the world to restructure its way of selling and doing business, the e-commerce market has been showing significant growth, which reflects in high revenues and a notorious inclination for online shopping. This shows a need to participate frequently in the most representative commercial dynamics of the region (Hot Sale, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, etc.).


Nueva llamada a la acción

There are additional reasons for your eCommerce to maintain a presence at these types of events:


- It will gain recognition: This may be the most complex challenge in the beginning, but it will be achieved by offering an easy, fast and secure shopping experience. In addition, providing effective solutions according to the consumer's needs is key.

- Traffic increases: During the most representative events, the highest visit rate occurs, which leads to an increase in conversions and a brand positioning that will pay off over time.

- Higher transaction numbers: These business days bring the highest number of transactions compared to a normal day, making it possible to achieve a revenue projection goal in less time.

- New potential clients: If a proper communication strategy is executed and if the eCommerce maintains an operational stability of superior performance, it will make customers with significant potential aware of the brand and identify with your business objective, leading them to choose your offer and perhaps prefer you in the future.


Key points to make your e-commerce reach success

An e-commerce’s operability and stability require the support of an expert partner in electronic commerce, which advises and accompanies you at all times to ensure agile, efficient, and safe processes. This is the initial step to managing strategies and developments that will turn you into a great alternative for online customers


After overcoming this step, you should think about additional actions such as:


  1. Identify and get to know your niche market

It is essential to understand the needs and/or expectations of those market segments that are related to your e-commerce offer or products, this will lead you to offer innovative and differential solutions that manage to captivate and satisfy the online customer who saw you as the solution to their problem or need.


  1. Resort to a technological infrastructure that makes your e-commerce stronger

This is paramount. For these types of events, your e-commerce could face multiple risks or instabilities that force you to close it until you find the solution. This lost time is valuable and can represent a great economic loss, so you must choose an infrastructure and a platform that gives you the guarantees and the necessary support to maintain stability and overcome setbacks immediately.


  1. Remember that safety is essential

Resort to platforms that guarantee information security, help combat online scams, and offer technological alternatives in order to be wary of possible threats that might put operability and proper e-commerce functioning at risk. 


  1. Establish a purchase process in fewer steps

Customers prefer anything easy and whatever involves less time, so you must ensure that the online purchase process is simple, extremely reliable, and lasts a maximum of 3 steps. Do everything possible so that they can find the explanation of each step and offer them different payment methods so that they can choose according to their reach.


  1. Guarantee the best user experience

Regarding this topic, it’s essential to think about how your online visitors navigate, and how they would like to do so. Offer a simple, coherent navigation that connects all dynamic features (displays, demos, 3D visualization, among others) that make a difference in your e-commerce. 


Remember that a good experience can improve conversion and traffic metrics (visited pages per session, time spent, bounce percentage, generated sessions).


  1. Decrease loading times

Nowadays, internet searches are more punctual and offer thousands of results with possible solutions. This makes the internet user start to review the alternatives, and that is where the loading time plays a transcendental role. If an eCommerce or online store takes a long time to load it will generate a "bounce" effect, making the potential customer prefer to check another option.

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