Operations and Evolving Development: Services that will enhance your eCommerce

Operations and Evolving Development: Services that will enhance your eCommerce

Managing an eCommerce involves facing multiple situations that put your operability and stability at risk, during which times you will need a strategic partner to manage and streamline solutions. Also, it is very important to rely on a robust electronic commerce platform with specialized developments and high-level digital solutions.


Many businesses choose to have one or two in-house developers, but often they are not specialized in the electronic commerce platforms they are responsible for managing, don’t understand the business or have outdated training which prevents them from achieving efficient and scalable solutions. The same occurs when you hire freelance developers, as it involves the risk of the freelancer not being available during emergencies or high demand.

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These needs and the desire to provide specialized support for your eCommerce has allowed Acid Labs to define two key services: Operations and Evolving Development. Both offer a package of hours per month and are customized to the needs of each electronic commerce. 


The goals of this alternative are:


- Offering electronic commerce specialists for each business.

- Guaranteeing eCommerce functionality through industry expertise and native platform knowledge.

- Solving bugs or snags in short timeframes.

- Increasing the volume of online conversion.


How does Acid Labs evolve and support your eCommerce?


As put by Ramax Gómez, Operations lead at Acid Labs, this is a service that resolves everyday incidents and “urgencies” inherent to all things that can’t be programmed, predicted or directly and quickly solved by the client due to lack of technical training in electronic commerce.


The list of needs that Acid Labs covers is broad, but in this area, we would highlight:


- Large-scale product uploads. 

- Analysis and reassessment of problems affecting product visualization.

- Updating homepage and/or product page content.

- Landing page creation.


In addition, we cover more technical needs such as:


- Solving a sale confirmation of integration of an ERP or analytics tool.

- Checking high-complexity logs.

- Analyzing complete purchase flow.

- Review and scale incidents within the eCommerce infrastructure.

- And much more.


It’s a long list that involves the knowledge and experience of several professionals, which is what sets Acid Labs apart.


Classification of incidents that affect electronic commerce


At Acid Labs they are classified based on priorities: low, medium, high or urgent. Ideally, the operations team deals with incidents labeled as high or urgent, so as to invest most time into enhancing and growing the eCommerce.


What we recommend is that the percentage of hours devoted to evolving your electronic commerce be between 60% and 80% of the hired package and the rest go towards Evolving Development”, says Gómez. As an added value, Acid Labs trains and advises the client so that they may gradually rely less on operations. Still, he admits: “there are companies that prefer to rely on Acid because they are very large, have a high level of trust or find it easier and more efficient”.


To understand the process, it’s important to mention that Operations is the first contact with the client. This team receives tickets that allow us to define:


- Who should approach it and how.

- If it should go through the Evolving Development team.

- If it qualifies as a project or a discovery.


The client expresses their hopes and goals, and Acid Labs deals with adequately guiding them through highly effective solutions.


How does Acid Labs relate to the eCommerce client?


The Acid team operates on a ticket-based system, making everything traceable. Once the request is received, communication can be through the ticket or through slack, allowing for more agile communication.

The client has contact with a Service Desk Manager, who holds a client portfolio managed alongside their team. Gómez emphasizes that “there are clients that have a single point of contact with us and others that choose more than one, but they mostly choose one as the representative prefers to keep full control of the operation”.


Electronic commerce sales will trend upward while Operations deals with day-to-day, the Evolving Development team handles planification. “This team handles all projects under production, but need to scale up their sales, logistics and operability”, says Maximiliano Picón, Service lead.


Currently, upgrades are being leveraged. As of last year, many have migrated to the latest versions of ecommerce platforms. In addition to this:


- Online Commerce platform features are being extended. 

- More promotions and marketing modules are being installed and developed.

- More payment methods are being enabled.

- Searches are being improved and taken one step further.

- More projects are being developed including PWA, delivery method integration, store pick-up, chatbots, RMA for returns and more.


“Acid Labs has more than 10 years of experience, during which it has acquired and strengthened the knowledge necessary for the industry. Additionally, it has executed functional practices and consolidated a technical and specialized team on leading electronic commerce platforms”, explains Picón.

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