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Why should you migrate to the cloud? | Acid labs

Written by Acid Labs | Jan 13, 2023 2:24:26 PM

Migrating to the cloud speeds up processes and lowers costs, making businesses improve their revenue and operational efficiency levels. Several studies have shown that more than 60% of companies prefer to move and manage their technology infrastructure from the cloud. Coincidence, or an innovative way to evolve? Keep reading to find out!



To begin with, it's important to mention that migrating to the cloud consists of moving operations, IT assets, and everything that interferes with their operation to a data center that facilitates its access, handling, management, and administration. This is considered an essential step in aligning with today's digital transformation.


It is common to transfer legacy infrastructure to the cloud –that is–  software or hardware that for a long time was the most reliable host. However, its vulnerability, slow performance, and poor maintenance have now become evident. These factors highlight the need to migrate, responding and setting the stage to face the challenges of the future.